He started by growing mushrooms and champignons on a farm. Until he founded a “sea vegetables” company. Antonio Muiños has managed to make a useless product in the kitchen serve as an expensive delicacy in restaurants with Michelin stars.
He started by growing mushrooms and champignons on a farm. Until he founded a “sea vegetables” company. Antonio Muiños has managed to make a useless product in the kitchen serve as an expensive delicacy in restaurants with Michelin stars.
The seaweed is sourced from the coast of Galicia and is cultivated and harvested sustainably with organic certification.
Porto-Muiños S.L. has participated in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Program with the support of ICEX and co-financing from European ERDF funds have contributed to the economic growth of this company, its region and Spain.
Porto-Muiños S.L.